Aug 31, 2020
On today's episode, Dave has a conversation with Justin from Cafe 1040. Cafe 1040 is a missions organization whose goal is to lead a generation to tell the story of Jesus where its never been heard before. Justin shares ideas on how missions mobilizers can stay organized to help foster relationships. He also...
Aug 17, 2020
How can we help others discover their role in the Great Commission? Listen to Dave have a conversation with Jacob Jester, a mobilizer with Africa Cause. Jacob helps us understand the importance of spiritual adventure in mobilizing the younger generations, and he passionately explains how to live out your own spiritual...
Aug 3, 2020
Why would a missions pastor cancel his missions committee meetings for 18 months? Listen in as Dave has a conversation with Matthew Philip, who provides leadership to the global engagement impulse of Trinity Church in Lansing, Michigan. In this episode, Matthew explains why he stopped these meetings, what God did in...