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The Gospel Mobilization Podcast

Dec 11, 2023

What are some ways we can mobilize the church for missions? Are there proven methods for agency mobilizers to partner with pastors resulting in mobilizing their members to the nations? Listen to this episode of the Gospel Mobilization Podcast as host Dave Jacob speaks with Stefanie Nicholson, founder of Here2There...

Nov 20, 2023

Are you mobilizing someone who is going through a difficult time? If so, does that mean we should push the pause button on mobilization? Perhaps you’re going through a season of suffering yourself. Listen in today as Dave Jacob talks with David Joannes about his latest book, See the City: Hope for the Bruised,...

Oct 2, 2023

Why isn’t the Great Commission completed already? What can mobilizers do to help finish the task? In this episode, our host, Dave Jacob chats with Lisa Pak, who works alongside Rick Warren on the leadership team for Finishing the Task, a coalition of thousands of believers, churches, denominations, and organizations...

Sep 5, 2023

How can trip leaders follow up well after a short-term missions trip? Is follow-up really that important? What questions should we ask those who have just returned home from a trip? Listen in today as host Dave Jacob talks with Professor Jenny Collins (Taylor University) and Tory Ruark (Mission Works). With years...

Aug 7, 2023

Does your organization or church have a process to send marketplace workers to the missions field? How can we mobilize more entrepreneurs? Tune in today as Dave talks with Bernie Anderson, the cross-cultural leadership director and business/non-profit consultant with Growability. Bernie has helped dozens of missionaries...