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The Gospel Mobilization Podcast

Oct 26, 2020

Today, Dave has a conversation with Reuben Kachala. Reuben is a Malawian former missionary to India and an ordained minister with the Malawi Assemblies of God. He is a full-time missions mobilizer working with Frontier Missions International, a mission-sending organization which he co-founded with his wife in 2015. Frontier Missions International has a vision of turning Malawi and Africa from a mission field into a mission force. Reuben shares how important prayer is in mobilization, and he explains how those trained in ministry need to have training in mobilization. In this episode, you will be inspired to see Africa and other mission fields equipped in the global mission force to finish the Great Commission task among all peoples. 

Questions discussed in this episode:

1. What is the role of prayer in missions mobilization?

2. What has happened with the recent presidential election in Malawi?

3. What is the history of missions & mobilization in Malawi?

4. How can missionaries who are already on the mission field mobilize the people they are reaching into missions? 

5. What do agencies and Bible colleges need to change about how they prepare missionaries for the field?

6. How can western missionaries best partner with the mobilization efforts of those in the global South? 


Show Links:

Trinity Bible College & Graduate School -

Operation World, Johstone, Patrick -

Perspectives Course -

Kairos Course -

Pathways Course

How to Start Missionary Work in New Sending Countries - Hamalainen, Arto -



Full Show Notes: