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The Gospel Mobilization Podcast

Nov 7, 2022

How can mobilizers help others overcome their own selfishness? How do we assist believers to focus on God's Kingdom instead of our own? Tune in to this episode as host, Dave Jacob interviews Don Allsman and Rickie Bradshaw. Don and Rickie are co-authors of an article titled, "Panta ta ethne or #mybestlife?" which address this timely issue for our day. Specifically, here's what the three of them discussed: 

  1. What inspired the two of you to write this article?
  2. What is #mybestlife?
  3. Let's talk about pante ta ethne for a minute. Explain this concept and where it comes from.
  4. How have you seen the pursuit of personal happiness or the pursuit of the American Dream negatively impact missions mobilization?
  5. How can mobilizers and other Christian leaders help believers align their aspirations with the Kingdom?