Nov 8, 2021
Does the Bible have much to say about missions mobilization? How do the Scriptures frame the ministry of mobilization? And why is it important for mobilizers to understand these biblical foundations? In this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave chats with Jojie Wong about the biblical foundations for mobilization. Jojie has been serving with OMF since the year 2000. She has authored several books and is committed to inspiring mobilizers to understand the significance of looking at mobilization through the lens of Scripture.
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The Missionary Mobilization Podcast is a resource for Christian
leaders who want to increase the number of missionaries around the
world. Our goal is to equip and encourage missions mobilizers and
missions pastors for greater Kingdom impact.
(The views expressed on the Missionary Mobilization Podcast do not
necessarily reflect those of the Center for Missionary
Mobilization and Retention)
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